
Friday, August 21, 2015

Have We Ever Elected a President Who Has Never Before Won an Election?

by Jennifer Victor

The dominant political story in the U.S. today is the odd combination of Donald Trump’s polling dominance for the Republican nomination combined with the nearly unanimous attitude that he’s unlikely to win the nomination or the presidency.

One of the reasons Trump is unlikely to win is because no one like him ever has. That is, nearly every person who has ever served as President has been previously elected to public office (e.g., vice-president, senator, U.S. representative, state senator, governor, or state representative). There are, however, a few exceptions. They are listed here.

Presidents who have never held elective office:

Taft and Hoover are the only two American presidents who were elected to the presidency despite having never been elected to previous office or served as a high-ranking military officer; however, both served as high-ranking federal government officials.

Donald Trump has never been elected to public office (a big disqualifier in American politics), never been appointed to a political office, and has no military experience. He is a businessman. We have had presidents who have had previous careers in business (e.g., Harding, Truman, both Bushes), but none who have gone straight from business to being elected President.

Of course, there is a lot about Trump’s candidacy that is unique, and that may be his biggest asset right now. Suffice to say, by historical standard he is not a high-quality candidate and his polling dominance is primarily a function of his fame and relatively lack luster performances by his opponents, so far.

*Updated 8/21/2015 at 3:36pm EDT. The previous post included George Washington on this list, but it was pointed out that he served in Virginia's House of Burgesses.


  1. Plus, George Washington was the first president. There had to be one. Who else was better qualified? Does anyone out there know the answer to that question? I really want to know. One thing I will say re: Donald Trump, however, is that the man is teflon. He really doesn't care what anyone has to say re: or to him. Maybe we need that during these challenging American times.

    1. All times are trying times to those who are living them. How we react becomes our history. That we elected Donald Trump during our time would be a pitiful history to leave for our grandchildren.

    2. You dont know that and have no real backing. Same could be said for any president.

    3. I think to elect Hillary and based on her past record and criminal legal issues yet to come would make our grand kids question our sanity. Being a woman does not qualify her to lead the country PC stays out of the vote booth

  2. VS our current President Obama, who is an attorney, constitutional scholar (taught Law), Harvard Law School graduate, and US senator.

    Good luck with that no political experience gig Trump. What a joke. Rep. will end up with Cruz, so now it is the Dems chance to be birthers. Difference: Obama was born in the USA; Cruz was not.

    1. I always laugh at those who say that political virtues are earned by experience. If that were the case all countries around the world should be in great shape because they are run by people who grew up with families or served as something before they got in. If your policy is centered on personal interest or has ideals that are not compatible with the way our country is to be run, then you could have served for 10 offices, if you lack proper judgement or get corrupted, you are no longer qualified.
      The same case goes with Obama, he has violated the constitution on many issues. He has erode or sustained the Bush mentality Homeland Security revocation of our civil liberties and expanded it to allow killing of American citizens based on suspected terrorist suspicion. He has caused war, reaped mayhem and havoc all over the world, by passing the constitutional restriction of needing to declaring war. Alone from that there needs to be national interest of all of which there has been. No war or war policy either bombing Syria, supporting ''free syria army'' rebels or destroying Libya is an action of a barbaric idiot who has no regards to human life nor to other peoples states.
      Continuing the Bush policy of bailing out companies was another disaster! Banks have caused the disaster, now you award or pardon the criminal and not only give him another chance but help him stand again. This is an act of cowards who pose as presidents who are no more than proxy self interested intermediary for the elite.

    2. As far as having a president who's never served in an elected position, I have another criteria: how about we elect somebody who's never been EMPLOYED by state government OR the federal gov't? That means somebody who is beyond ANY taint of "government work." I think THAT is what we need at this point in history when the reach, scope and intrusion of the government is beyond onerous. Let's truly have REAL "change" in this election because we were truly more free in the late-18th century than we are now.

    3. Mark my words - Once Obama leaves office there will be positive proof that he Was Not born in the USA and the left will reply - we need to change the law so anyone can run no matter where ther are born" What a travesty

    4. Why does no one remember him in any of his roles except that of community agitator.

    5. How is that prediction working out. THem darn Dem Birthers going after Cruz? lol

  3. George Washington, despite your claim as no one else being qualified at his time is false. There were many qualified candidates. But, George Washington was the most qualified for the task. It was a different time. This does not give Trump a pass at all to run for office, he is the least qualified and has a corporate agenda.

    1. That's actually not completely true... George Washington was NOT the most qualified, BUT he was the best known because of his famous part in winning the Revolutionary War. John Adams was probably the more qualified candidate but most of the 'founding fathers' agreed they needed a more widely known person to carry the office.

    2. our country is in debt to a point that it will take generations to get out of maybe it is time our government had a corporate mentality

    3. FYI. Trump's baffling conglomerate of an empire is PRIVATELY HELD.
      *Secret societies exist on many levels for a variety of gains.*
      Chew on that fact between now and election day. Just be careful how you swallow.

    4. You're absolutely right. No one knows that. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. No one knows what the future holds. Hillary has a disastrous track record... that's a terrible way to start off.

    5. Just what makes Hillary qualified - what are some of her accomplishments ?

    6. If having female organs qualifies Hil as president than more than 50% of the population is qualified. It is all her political connections and Bill's coattails that have brought her this far. Trump inherited a relatively small sum of money from his father and grew that business exponentially. He is a success story in every venue he has chosen. Let's choose him for our next president.

    7. John S you are a sorry excuse for a human being. Everyone knows President Obama was born in Hawaii. And that Cruz was born in Canada. No one was bothered that Cruz was born outside the USA but people like you still insist one of the greatest presidents we've ever had was also. What you're really bothered about is that President Obama is not white. You're nothing but a racist.

    8. John S you can't be serious. Hillary Clinton accomplished major achievements for the past 40 years. Only liars and morons think she spent 40 years serving America without major achievements. She created SCHIP while she was First Lady. This is still insuring 8 million American children every year. As Junior Senator from NY she secured $21 billion in federal aid to rebuild NYC after the GOP Senate allocated $0. She also convinced the GOP Senate to provide health benefits to 9-11 first responders after Congress denied their health issues were related to the terrorist attack. She led efforts to pass Lily Lesbetter Pay Equity Act. She wrote the Pediatric Researxh Equity Act requiring drug companies to test drugs for their effect on children. She convinced GOP Senators to sign legislation giving full military health benefits for reservists and National Guard members. As SoS she restored America's credibility around the world after 8 years of the Bush disaster. She negotiated the cease fire in Gaza between Hamas & Israel. She convinced China, Russia and the EU to agree to sanctions against Iran. This was the only reason Iran ended their nuclear arms program. She convinced Congress to ratify the START treaty with Russia. Now what are the accomplishments of Tinyhands? Bankruptcy is not an accomplishment. Enriching himself while defrauding students, builders, contractors and craftspeople is also not an accomplishment. Like President Obama asked how can people think that after 70 years of NEVER caring about the welfare of workers Trump is suddenly going to care about workers. Anyone who follows Trump has to hate America and want to destroy our security and the world. DonTheCon is the most unqualified, ignorant and self-serving subhuman to ever run for President. He will Make America Hate Again when ever person in America hates him if he wins and then realizes being President is not like running a company and its not a reality TV show.

    9. Eric R King we don't need a corporate mentality we need a Democrat in the White House and as the majority in Congress. Bill Clinton left us with a surplus after inheriting a deficit from Bush Sr and Obama inherited a deficit from Bush. Of course this is all in regards to the annual federal budget. Now the Budget Deficit has been reduced by 75% After Bush left Obama with $1.4 trillion budget deficit, for fiscal year 2015 the federal budget deficit had fallen to &439 billion. That is a reduction of $1 trillion. The national debt is staggeringly high thanks to the unfunded and off the books Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Medicare Part D, Bush's Big Pharma giveaway, tax cuts for the rich and Bush's Great Recession. Thanks to the reduction in the budget deficit Obama has slowed the growth of the national debt to 10% year to year. That's compared to the highest National debt growth rate of 13.4% under St. Ronnie. While the Republicans constantly talk about how the debt and deficit will destroy America, once they take the White House and Congress they do nothing but spend money and grow the debt and deficit. It's Democrats who don't waste time talking about them, they just reduce them. Trump is just a Republican on steroids and his plans for spending, according to economists, will explode the debt and deficit. So a Republican with a corporate mentality is not your savior. He will just be a megalomaniac dictator increasing spending and cutting taxes. He thinks he can just declare bankruptcy like he does with his businesses. A recipe for the destruction of America. And the rest of the world.

    10. It's pretty widely accepted that the national debt is 19 trillion $ - not sure where u got your figures!

  4. George Washington, despite your claim as no one else being qualified at his time is false. There were many qualified candidates. But, George Washington was the most qualified for the task. It was a different time. This does not give Trump a pass at all to run for office, he is the least qualified and has a corporate agenda.

  5. Surging support by the people & for the people on CAMPAIGN REFORM should be realistic after this election. It's interesting how he claims to be funding his political career on his own. Hmmm...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. True, it's interesting that, how he claims to be funding his political career on his own...
      Maybe more corporation companies supported his campaign in exchange for special benefits, BIG COMPANIES CORPORATE DO NOT LIKE TO PAY HIGH TAXES TO THE GOVERNMENT.

    4. True, it's interesting that, how he claims to be funding his political career on his own...
      Maybe more corporation companies supported his campaign in exchange for special benefits, BIG COMPANIES CORPORATE DO NOT LIKE TO PAY HIGH TAXES TO THE GOVERNMENT.

    5. Who does ? I'll bet you don't. I know I don't

  6. Washington was a Virginia delegate to the Constitutional Convention and was politically active in the 1760s. Not to mention being a top general.

  7. I see it as a conflict of intfrest. He has to many business ties and will only look out to increase his wealth and not look out for the working class. Unless you make over $800k a year he wont even look your way. How can he lead the people if he is so disconnected. I wont even start on what he thinks about the women of our great nation

    1. WTH r u kidding. Clinton is taking money from countries not friendly to the United States. What will they want in return a no invade clause LOL

  8. Most of the field that Trump beat in the Primary gave a great performance against him. Trump by every measure is far better than his competition. That woman should be in prison and how she would perform in any position is questionable. She is an enigma and I doubt she even understants herself.

  9. Get used to calling him President Trump.

  10. Get used to calling him President Trump.

  11. Is there no law saying presidential candidates should have at least some years of experience in office as mayor, governor, senator, etc.

    True people can bash past presidents for not having done a good job, but at least they had prior experience in government. I would rather someone be in office that had prior experience than not.

    Electing someone who is from business right to presidential candidate makes me worried. Going from business to being elected governor, then to presidential candidate makes more sense because at least people judge how that candidate's experience as a governor was.


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